Thursday, February 7, 2008

Break Down of Words

I think the breakdown of words occurs in our inadequate system of language, rather than not understanding reality. Karl Albrecht said if you, "change your language, you change your thoughts." Since we as humans have thoughts that always are changing, our language is as well. A meaning of one thing to me, can be completely different to someone else. Also, communication can take place not only through speaking, but through body. An example of this is sign language. If i signed the word "hearing" to a deaf person, they could interpret that different ways, if i don't specify. I could be asking them if they were hearing or telling them i was hearing. Expressions and your body have a lot to do with communicating in a language. Oliver Wendell Holmes comments on language saying its the "blood of the soul into which thoughts run and out of which they grow." Our language has given people the ability to express themselves and grow in the words which they speak. Each person gives different meanings to words. Today in class we read "Toast." The snowman says "toast is when you take a piece of bread-what is bread? Bread is when you take some flour-what is flour?" The cycle goes on and on only ending up to nothing. The snowman then said that he was toast. The more words are thought about, they are heavily questioned and sound very weird. We feel as though we can not express our language properly at times.
"Toast" Orynx and Crake by Margaret Atwood

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