Tuesday, March 4, 2008


Superpositioning, at first sounded like an interesting theory and i was curious to know what it meant. After further review of watching two youtube videos, i disagree with this position. Superposition Quanta mechanics was defined as "particles that can be in two or more positions at once." Also it was said that the "material worlds around us...are nothing but impossible movements of consciosness." And that we chose to bring our experience to manifestation. With the example of the basketball bouncing, the little boy said that, "charges build up, but it never touches the ground." The boy said, "nobody touches nothing." How can that be? If nobody touches nothing, then how do things get dirty? Shouldn't the charges build up enough, to compel the touch of everything then? This whole superpositioning idea is all about relativity. If i believe that nothing touches anything then that is what is true for me. Also, this theory says that we can create our own reality. If i think that a huge tub of candy is behind me, then it is. Up until the point when i turn around and find out there is only a wall there. I don't agree with this position and think that it is unbiblical. People are creating their own thoughts which are not true. The lady in the video says, "How can people sin with such a greatness of mind?" Everyone is a sinner and therefore, superpositioning i believe is a false theory.

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