Thursday, January 10, 2008


This evening i decided to step out of my little comfort zone and help someone who is in need. The things i put together into a box are as follows...a Bible, a tract, shirt, gloves, toothbrush, socks, water, fruit cups, top ramon, chili, chips, cookies, and hand sanitizer. I made my way down town accompanied by parents to search for a "bum." Well this search took a while considering it was raining and was already dark outside. There are some crazy people down town, and some bum even flipped my mom off as we were driving. I thought about going to him to give him the stuff but i didn't know how he would act. Finally, i found a man and a women standing against a building. We pulled to the side of the street and the man yelled, "You have to pay to park there." Didn't acknowledge that and i said, "Are you guys in need of anything?" The man replied, "Yea..I'm in need of a wife." Well in the mean time, i showed the box of goodies to the woman and she thought i was trying to sell it to her. She said, "I ain't got no money." I answered her "no it's free." She was amazed and took the box from my hands. She also said she needed a dollar for the bus so i gave her $5.00. Who knows if she is really going to use it on a bus.

I am glad that i chose to do this because i love helping others and i hope that through this experience, their lives may be changed as they may read through the tract and accept Christ into their lives.

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