Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Claudius threatened by Hamlet

Claudius knows Hamlet is a threat and because of this he uses Rosencrantz and Guildenstern as a defense. In 2.2 King Claudius wants both men to draw out "Hamlets transformation" (line 5). He asks them to spy on Hamlet, hoping that he would share information with his two friends that he would normally keep from his mom and uncle. The king orders them "to draw him on to pleasures, and to gather, so much as from occasion you may glean, whe'r aught to us unknown afflicts him thus, that open'd lies within our remedy." (line 15). The King would not do this if he did not think that Hamlet was up to something/ a threat to him. It is obvious to the King that Hamlet would be "depressed" because of his fathers death and his mothers marriage. He would not care what Hamlet thought unless he knew that he really found out the Kings truth. King Claudius i'm sure is fearful of his life because he knows that Hamlet found out how his father was murdered.

We know that Gertrude is oblivious to everything about the murder of her first husband. If she knew about the murder she would say more about hamlet in lines 56-57 "i doubt it is no other but the main; His fathers death, and our o'erhasty marriage." If Gertrude was aware of how King Hamlet died, she would voice that to Claudius either with anger or fear. She would probably fear for her life as well as her new husbands.

King Claudius' chief concern in the court should be about Norway and their plans they have to attack. He is not worried about them attacking or them crossing through Denmark to get to Poland. He is distracted by Hamlet, as he is a threat. King Claudius is probably concerned for his safety as he doesn't know if Hamlet is up to no good.

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