Monday, December 10, 2007

T.S Eliot

The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock by T.S Eliot, has a structure that made certain lines stand out that the author wants the reader to notice.It was not a very chaotic structure and allowed the reader to follow alongh. T.S Eliot portrayed a man who wanted to say something but was afraid to do so. Prufrock wanted to go places as he viewed the world from the inside looking out. He wondered if he should dare to descend the stair, but he thought he had time to. He aged as he had a bald spot on his head with his hair growing thin. He said, "Do i dare disturb the universe?" He was concerened what other people may think about him and afraid of life. He questioned many things that he should do, but never did them because he drowned.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

What does Ophelia mean in act5.4?

During Act four scene five, Ophelia has gone mad because of the death of her father and possibly the loss of Hamlet's love. During this scene Ophelia says to the King in line fourty-four, "Lord! we know what we are, but know not what we may be. God be at your table!" Ophelia may be telling the King that each of them know the state that both the Claudius and herself are in, but they do not know the outcome of their lives. King Cladius has killed King Hamlet, married his wife Queen Gertrude, and sends Hamlets friends to spy on him. He knows what he has done, but he is fearful for his life, not knowing the consequences he may bear. While Ophelia has experienced the loss of Hamlets love as well has Hamlet accidently killed her father by stabbing him, thinking he was Claudius. Ophelia knows where her life is, but does not know where her life will lead her.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Play or movie?

At first i preferred the play because i made up my own images of what was happening. After seeing the movie, a new picture of the play is portrayed which makes it become more clear. With the movie there is an interaction between characters and while we are in class there is less emotion of the characters. During the movie, the audience can see the interaction and involvement of the characters. For example, in the play we read, words, words, words. While in the play there is emotion and sense of the way Hamlet feels as he is speaking to Polonius. The director of the movie did capture the tone and mood for the most part. He does skip around and moves certain lines which reveals the play different than it actually is. For example when talking to Ophelia he says go the to a nunnery, but in the movie Hamlet says it in a different aspect than one would read in the play.